Married to Carissa Byers. Father of Margot, Lucy, Milo and stepdad of Penn. Educator. Writer of songs and stories. Cyclist. Indieweb advocate.
You can get in contact with me here.
See also: colophon, uses, and now.
The blog started in 2001 and now has over 3,000 posts. Some are single links or thoughts, or collections of links, or journals of moments in my life, or longer posts about philosophy, bicycling, music, or the internet. It started as a notebook, then a link log and what is now commonly referred to as a micro-blog, then a proper blog, long after blogging had peaked. There is considerable cringe and broken links in the old stuff, which I am slowly editing over the course of years.
If you are looking for somewhere to start, try these:
On building software
- ProductCamp 2024 (2024)
- The Defining Trait of a Senior Software Engineer (2022)
- Henry Gantt (2022)
- Just Start Any Way You Want to (2021)
- In Defense of the Backlog (2021)
- The Goldilocks Principle of Startup Engineering (2020)
- Time to Think (2020)
- ProductCamp (2018)
- The Three Paths (2017)
- On Humility in Product Development (2016)
- Life Is Too Short to Make Shitty Software (2011)
On the Internet and culture
- To Find an Alternative to Wordpress, Just Go Back to the Beginning (2024)
- Desperation Algorithms (2024)
- Internet Homesteading Renaissance? (2020)
- Rebels: Episode 1 and Episode 2 (2016)
- Thanks for Ruining the Internet (2014)
On software education
- Minecraft U Special Projects Camp (2023)
- Computer Programming Adventures (2021)
- What Is Minecraft U? (2017)
On music and art
- The Music That Made Me (2021)
- When I Blog About Hip Hop (2016)
- Art Redux Notes (2008)
- The Sale (2020)
- Milo (2014)
- Form (2014)
- Lucy Pearl (2011)
- Goodbye Integration Research dot org (written in 2016 about events of 2004-2005)
Or you can start at my latest post: Damien Jurado Live at St. Mark's Cathedral