The AI Predicted American Salvation
The AI was built by first-generation immigrants with Ferraris in the final years of gasoline, who believed destiny just an accumulation of unknown facts
Molli and Max in the Future Predicts the Future
I randomly started watching Molli and Max in the Future on the bald logistics baron’s video streaming service. It took three nights to find the time to finish it, but I really enjoyed it....
I Have Hope
I do not know how or why it arrived. Obviously everything is terrible. But I have a hypotheses about what happened....
Damien Jurado Live at St. Mark's Cathedral
When the genteel masses aren't using their cathedrals to assuage their barely-audible consciences the real truth tellers and worshipers will fill their walls with beauty and hope
We Should All Treasure Our Own Tiny Corners
It occurs to me that just like resistance to political authoritarianism must start locally, so must this resistance to technological authoritarianism.
I Chose
sara hendren: choosing...
A Frozen Sunday Morning
Random excerpts from my paper notebook...
What Is Hope?
Hope is a feat of the imagination, both courageous and ingenious, a vitality that inspires us to take innovative action to defend the world. Hope is essential to our survival and our flourishing.
2024 in Review
Last year, I left my day job and started new projects. This year, I started new projects, then left all the projects behind and started a new day job.
The Ghost of Somebody's KPIs Are Rattling Their Chains in My Forest
I'm a sucker for a nerd with a grandiloquent poetic prose pen, but what's the point?
Helen Thorington
The late 90s and early 00s were a golden age for internet art.
This Is Every Creator's Desperate Fear
📽️ The Vergecast: Searching for the first great AI app (link to timestamp)...
The Default State of a Project Is to Not Ship
The most common error I see is to assume that shipping is easy. The default state of a project is to not ship...
Mark Danielewski and Poe in Dallas 2001
In Person: Mark Danielewski and POE in Dallas - Books - The Austin Chronicle...
Everything and Nothing
I am anxious about two things: everything and nothing.
Steel Will Always Be Real
'Why Steel will always be Real', the best explainer on bicycle frame building materials I've seen so far.
The Trouble with Tools
I spend a lot of time in productivity tools and thinking about productivity tools. I follow the development of new ones, I’m subscribed to the subreddits...
ProductCamp 2024
I was humbled and delighted, and grateful to be made to think about these topics and speak in front of an audience. It had been a while.
Why Doesn't Microsoft Do Their Own Linux Distro?
They are already investing pretty heavily in OSS and their Linux 'subsystem'
...he heard the noise in the distance, something like a growl and a scream and a whimper all at once