Confused by the Situation in Libya? Me Too. Read This.

Adam Curtis is one of my favorite thinkers. His blog on the BBC’s website rarely disappoints and this analysis of the historical precedents that have led to the international response in Libya is no exception: Goodies and Baddies.

The videos are both horrible and slow. I read the article first w/o watching the video and it’s honestly better that way. Although the first is rather interesting and reminiscent of Curtis’ documentary The Century of Self which I also highly recommend.

About ¾ of the way through–as I mentioned yesterday–the Bosnian crisis is brought up, specifically Srebrenica. Honestly I did not get very far through that video before I had to stop it. Somehow the Balkans have been the epicenter for so much of the confusing mire that is human political interaction and conflict. The result has certainly left its scar on the people there. There aren’t many places like it.

We’re really a complicated and horrible people, it turns out.

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