
_after several sleepless nights of excruciating, tear-enducing, deathwishing pain, i went to pleasure myself with a root canal. as soon as the first eight injections of long-needled truth syrum hit my system, i was a little starry- eyed and slightly cloudy.

then, in a david-lynchian, warped, fish-eyed-lens-view, the doctor creeped around from behind and got right up in my face to ask:

“what is a SAVIOUR POET?” and again, “what is a SAVIOUR POET?”

in a strange, fuzzy, deja-vu, dream-state-freakout, i finally remembered it was what i filled in for my “occupation” on the NECESSARY form - just before i was lured out of the waiting room into the operating chair.

i said, “ahhhhh - thawwy, ih wath thuppoth to be uh djohke. THONGwhythah. i’m a THONGWHYTHAH!!” _


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