
Comment :: Unsung…

…by Linford Detweiler …I finished reading this book last night. It is a book you could literally read in 15-20 minutes total. More of a pamphlet, really. Makes me feel like there is some secret meeting I should know about. The working out of this poetic propaganda of the heart. But for such a short work, it is so, so worth it.

“I want to be known (if I am to be known at all) as one of the great lovers of life. I want to make love to these days in new–or at least tender and timeless–ways, to make the trees sigh and the sky kneel for a closer view. (If a few others close their eyes and smile for a few momoents with me, it is enough.) I want to dip this paintbrush pen into the best places of my heart–those places I have all but forgotten–and paint pictures that might convince even me that I was not born in vain…

“Like me, you’re dying to give the world something beautiful. We all want to write our names on something good. This is our life’s work. It is our way of saying thank you for that which cannot be put into words, for that which can never be repaid.”

Read this book outloud. Read it outloud at your meeting-togethers. Have someone stand in front of the throng, big or small, and read gently from its tender pages. Pause between sentences. Close your eyes between paragraphs. Breathe a little more through words as they drift off your tongue, into the air, misty angels.

This is my new text.

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