I randomly started watching Molli and Max in the Future on the bald logistics baron’s video streaming service. It took three nights to find the time to finish it, but I really enjoyed it. It’s hard to describe. It is a cyberpunk sci-fi version of When Harry Met Sally. There’s a scene, which had to be written years ago, that is scary prophetic:
HOST: The winner and new ruler of the galaxy is Turboschmuck! (AUDIENCE CHEERS, APPLAUDS) ALL: What? HOST: Come over here. Get on. TURBOSCHMUCK: Wow! Wow, wow. Uh, first of all, I just wanna say a big "eat shit" to all my fans and the whole Turbo team. WALTER: I know things seem pretty bleak right now, but I don't think he believes in any of that world war stuff he was saying. He just said that to win. TURBOSCHMUCK: Second, I would like to clarify that I really do believe all of that horrible stuff that I said. WALTER: (CHUCKLES) He's joking. TURBOSCHMUCK: I'm not joking. I'm going to kill you all. And as soon as I can figure out how, I'm going to merge our reality with the trash dimension. (AUDIENCE CHEERS, APPLAUDS) TURBOSCHMUCK: Thank you. HOST: That's absolutely marvelous. MAX: I can't believe this. CASSIE: I'm getting so many texts right now. HOST: Now, listen, T-Schmuck, what does this mean for you in the black hole community? TURBOSCHMUCK: Yeah. All the stupid pussies out there wanna avoid the black hole. But now that it's Turb-o-clock, we're gonna speed it up, and bring that thing over here. Black hole time. We'll make it happen. (AUDIENCE CHEERS, APPLAUDS) TURBOSCHMUCK RIPS HEART OUT OF HOST (AUDIENCE GASPS) ALL: Oh, my God! (SCREAMS) (BODY THUDS) (TURBOSCHMUCK LAUGHS, CHOMPS) CASSIE: Wait, you guys. Wait, wait, wait. I got it. There's a post. There's a post that's going around right now, and if we all repost it right now, we're gonna be able to make a huge difference and stop all these terrible things from happening, okay? I'm sending it to you right now. WALTER: There we go. We're fighting back already. (TAPS ON PHONE) Uh, posted. Viva la resistance! (CHUCKLES) You know? CASSIE: Wait. Did you post it? WALTER: Yeah, you just literally told me to. CASSIE: You shouldn't have posted that. Wait, we can't post that. That post means that we are the problem. We are the ones causing all of the bad things to happen. Wait, we can't post that. Wait. MOLLI: Okay. CASSIE: Wait, they're also saying it means that we hate the fish-people. WALTER: I don't hate--I don't. Dude, I don't. CASSIE: Oh, my God WALTER: I'm not technically a fish-person, but I am fish-adjacent. CASSIE: Look, you have to post an apology post right now. You have to clarify that you love the fish-people. Do that right now. WALTER: (TAPS ON PHONE) I'm sorry, fish-people. Okay. CASSIE: Wait, wait, wait. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. Hold on. MOLLI: This wasn't supposed to happen. WALTER: Okay. Well, hey, maybe this is a good thing. MOLLI: Okay. How could it be a good thing, Walter? WALTER: Because now, people will wake up, right? And they will come together, right? And things will change. And we won't all die. That'd be ridiculous. You know, maybe this is the best thing that ever happened. It's my happiest day of my life! CASSIE: Oh, my God. We have to stop eating cheese right now. WALTER: Oh, wait. Oh, wait. CASSIE: This cheese has to go. WALTER: Don't throw away really good cheese just because the world is ending. CASSIE: We can't have the cheese here. Why'd you even bring it? MAX: Guys, calm down! Guys! WALTER: Listen to me. We are not throwing away the cheese! CASSIE: I'm trying to save the world, Walter!
I’m still learning about all of writer/director Michael Lukk Litwak.