- 6:15 alarm. Hit snooze twice
- Wake up a few minutes after second snooze, a few minutes before 6:30 alarm
- Assess painful foot. It hurts worse than it has in the last week or so. Decide to go ahead with ride. I don’t want to bail on my friend. How much worse could it get?
- Brush teeth
- Go downstairs, turn on coffee maker. Carissa had set it up the night before. Grateful. Ignore begging cats so they don’t accidentally get two breakfasts.
- Pour coffee
- Go back upstairs
- Start getting “kitted up”, as we say
- Socks
- Foot brace
- Leg warmers
- Thermal bibs
- Chamois creme
- Merino baselayer
- Arm warmers
- Jersey
- Head back downstairs, carrying the rest of my kit
- Fill water bottle
- Realize I forgot to grab my jacket. Go back upstairs for jacket. Head back downstairs.
- Finish kitting up
- Windproof socks on
- Shoes on
- Realize I’m missing one toe warmer. Consider going without, but Carissa is up an pouring her own coffee, so I ask her to look if I’d dropped it between the stairs and the back door. She ends up going all the way upstairs for it. Grateful again.
- Toe warmers on
- Jacket on
- Merino cap on
- Helmet on
- Open garage door
- Get bike down from wall rack. I almost always make sure the bike is ready to go the night before. I don’t leave time to mess with it in the morning, and that kind of thing is less “fun” in the cold.
- Turn bike computer on
- Turn rear light on brightest flashing setting. The sun has come up. Don’t need the headlight.
- Close garage door
- Open gate
- Start ride on computer
- Gloves on
- Pedal
February Morning Ride
Next: A Voyage