The Delightful Anachronisms of _why's Poignant Guide

_why’s poignant guide to Ruby, Chapter 4, from one of his famous sidebars:

So this new book. The Scarf Eaters. It’s a coming-of-age novel. But it’s also a beginner’s guide to Macromedia Flash. It’s like Judy Blume crossed Praystation. It’s like 0sil8 starring Hillary Duff.

I don’t want to give away the plot at all, but to tug your appetite I’ll just say this: one kid talks to his dead brother in ActionScript. More to come.

I’m reading _why’s poignant guide. The first time I didn’t pay much attention, if I’m being honest. Because I’m a contrarian and never time things correctly, when Ruby was all the rage I was deep into Javascript. Now that Javascript is all the rage, I’m deep into Ruby.

Anyway, I was most certainly alive and deep into the web when Flash and ActionScript were things of significance. So the above bit made me chuckle. And nostalgic.

Previous: Yet Another Incredible Journey

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