At work we all have our own pages in Roam and in them we write a “How to work with [me]”. There was no template or suggestions although we all stole ideas from each other as to what to put in this section. This is a part of mine. I’m curious what yours would be like.
Communication Style
- Internal first. Like most introverts, I have to think something before I say it.
- Please provide as much specific context as possible. I don’t have as much context as the rest of you have yet. 🐙
- I don’t tend to respond well to “everything’s terrible”. Let’s break down the problem and start addressing it rationally.
- If something is on fire, however, frequent, clear communication is paramount.
- Agility not Agile: “…teams should adopt the principles of agility. Agility, as I’ve noted here many times before, is, to quote the agile manifesto, responding to change over following a plan. Truly agile teams enjoy the ability, desire and safety to respond to change over following a plan.”
- You’d never know it, but I’m pretty cynical about processes being any kind of panacea for operational excellence. My personal philosophy is “as little process as is necessary”.
- My most often-applied mental models:
- Occam’s razor, “the simplest explanation is usually the right one”
- Hanlon’s razor, “never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity”
- Theory of Constraints, “a chain is no stronger than its weakest link”
- Hofstadter’s law, “It always takes longer than you expect, even when you take into account Hofstadter’s Law.”
- “Kill the Hero Programmer”