D&D Night

I just glanced at the calendar and was chuffed to see it is D&D night. So I better write right now. After this, it’s kids’ bedtime and then straight to the game, which will take until midnight.

Last week we entered a strange cave just off the sea. We were attacked by a poisonous snake, which I tamed with a spell. I was immediately attacked and bitten by a giant blood-sucking bat/mosquito hybrid. Ouch. That attracted the attention of a nearby giant. Thankfully one of my friends pulled the batsquito off me before it could suck more of my blood, despite the looming threat from the giant. We dispatched the giant relatively easily. I even sicked my new pet snake on it, although the snake was powerless in the fight.

We wandered the damp cave and came across a strange, masked man dressed in a fancy suit. He recognized one of my friends as a fellow vampire from the same house and asked us to follow him. We did so until we entered a large room in the cave where he held captive the very witch we were searching for! We quickly turned on the vampire, who seemed more irritated than harmed, and threatened us with terrible consequences if we didn’t stop.

He managed to control the mind of another elf in the cave, who was also there to protect the witch, and the two of them killed the witch before we could stop them. We were ready for what was clearly going to be a bloody battle with this pair when he noticed the trident on the back of the human fighter in my party.

Long story short, he was scared shitless of the trident and he beat a hasty retreat. Our vampire, who has saved our skin many times, touched the trident and confirmed it did indeed quickly damage her kind, searing her hand with some kind of terrible anti-vampire energy.

I can’t wait to see what happens tonight!

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