Rode my bike this weekend
Summertime is hot, but I have more time…
I enjoy riding my bike a lot! I really do. I just suck at selfies.
Just look at these paintings by Elicia Edijanto from Jakarta, Indonesia.
Thereabouts make amazing films about epic bike rides, like this one.
There’s even a soundtrack.
Lachlan Morton is probably my favorite pro cyclist of the moment. He not only races the pro calendar for the Education First cycling team, but does things like Thereabouts with his brother, and things like the Dirty Kanza:
People are sick of drinking. Investors are betting on the ‘sober curious’
The alternative-to-booze products mentioned in the article seem like nonsense to me, but a good trend nonetheless.
Leaning in to pain can be powerful if you have the agency and ability to change it, or practice it to mastery, or even just adapt your own emotional responses to it. If you don’t or you can’t, leaning in to pain will kill you. Having the wisdom to know the difference is everything.
On pain, careers, and doing things the hard way.
In other words, stay lean, learn without coding, and understand opportunity costs.
A bunch of podcast episodes
Understanding Humans in the Wild–A Conversation with Adam Grant
“What Does it Mean to Keep The Internet Free?” with guest Cory Doctorow
Popping the Filter Bubble: My Interview with DuckDuckGo CEO, Gabriel Weinberg
Friends Talk Frontend. The website isn’t up to date. Find it in your podcatcher of choice to listen to at least the 2-part Jeremy Keith interview.