On Blogging

Tim Bray, Blogging in 2017:

I won­der what the Web will be like when we’re a cou­ple more gen­er­a­tions in? I’m pret­ty sure that as long as it re­mains easy to fill a lit­tle bit of the great names­pace with your words and pic­tures, peo­ple will.

The great dan­ger is that the Web’s fu­ture is mall-like: No space re­al­ly pub­lic, no store­fronts but na­tion­al brands’, no vi­su­als com­posed by am­a­teurs, noth­ing that’s on of­fer just for its own sake, and for love.


This is the true value I find in reading indie blogs. They are made by people with a real history and real values. They have a voice and a personality that’s hard to match with an editorial staff and a team of interns. If you stick with them you’re going to develop a relationship to the writing that pays dividends.

This Design Observer w/ Seth Godin.

Keeping a personal blog in 2017 feels relatively futile. But while everyone else is storing throwing their stories, artifacts, thoughts, and meanings into the stream for others to consume on their phones while taking a dump or bored at lunch or while consuming some other media entirely, those of us who store our work on actual domains do it for ourselves–and our legacy. And while permalinks may–and do–rot faster than last week’s bananas, the content is still here.

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