Last Night Bus

No matter what your politics are, I think we can all agree that there’s an awful lot of fear and anxiety around us at the moment. And that’s a problem; hatred is born out of fear and anxiety.

The only way to fight hate is with love.

So we got fired up. We recorded this Hello Saferide song in two days, grabbed a camera, and made a DIY video, because we think this message MATTERS, and we wanted to get it heard right away.

While you listen to it, think about your own life. Think about the times that your path could easily have been swayed. Did you ever sit silently by while your classmates bullied someone? Have you ever sat at a dinner table while someone spouted hateful or racist comments and said nothing because you didn’t want to rock the boat? Have you ever made friends without someone that was so cool only to find out that they maybe they didn’t stand for things you stood for… and you found yourself torn between the new cool friendship, and standing up for what you knew in your heart was right?

I think this song speaks to all of that… How easily anyone of us could be led off of the path of love. We have to stay on that path. It’s the only way forward.

I really enjoy works that are born from a strong why and significant constraints.

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