The Life of the Disciple Is Nomadic

I have recently been attempting a bit of de-cluttering and minimizing which includes my modest book collection. One book I have held on to for over a decade is Kester Brewin’s The Complex Christ. I have lent it out few times and referenced it and its accompanying blog a number of times on this blog. In fact, while I re-read some passages from the book today in preparation for loaning it out again, this one jumped out at me:

To admit that God can and will leave is to allow the dangerous taste of hope into otherwise stagnant waters. It is to admit that the life of the disciple is not sedentary, but nomadic–moving on to where sustenance lies, not staying where sustenance once was. It is to appreciate that the journey of faith is not a static conversion, but an evolution of the Spirit. The very fact that God can move on means that hope is possible. That we are not stuck with what we have.

…from page 37, in this [the original, AFAIK] printing, anyway…

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