
Do you frequently find yourself to be the only rational actor in the world? Are you repeatedly proven correct in your opinions and assumptions? Are you the only intellectually rigorous person in the organizations in which you participate? When you find yourself violating the principles and rules you yourself established, is it always for obviously well founded reasons?

Then you might be an…


Congratulations! There are no others like you! You are a nation unto yourself. You are uniquely qualified for leadership, executive decision making, and driving your vehicle in whatever manner you choose. (If confronted on these or any other issue, just present your membership card. It’s the only one, so please allow 2-3 weeks for manufacture and delivery.) You are also forthwith entitled to feelings of superiority, frustration with those beneath your unique talents, and strong resentments when your obviously correct path is not adhered to.

image is a no-longer-available card from the fantastic seasandpeas etsy shop.

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