Wu Wei


Wu Wei is a Chinese concept that also has representative words in Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese. It is an important concept in Taoism.

In the Tao Te Ching, it is explained that beings that are wholly in harmony with the Tao behave in a completely natural, uncontrived way. The goal of spiritual practice for the human being is the attainment of this purely natural way of behaving.

Another concept related to Wu Wei is effortlessness.

Carissa exists magnificently within this way of being. Completely natural, in harmony, uncontrived and effortless are all ways I would describe Carissa. She uses words like happy and grateful, but those feel to me more the results of this way of being.

Carissa’s effortlessness allows her to move through the world and its troubles in a way that has been thusfar unattainable to me; and this is a large part of her attraction. Her natural way exudes a calm sense of trust in the Other that I have never felt. Her contentment with things just the way they are in this moment is astonishing compared to my near-constant, nagging discontent with the world and with others.

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