Week Three

He won't let me sit on the air hockey table! See also: party dress!

I really like getting up before dawn, drinking coffee and clearing my virtual desk in silence. This would have been inconceivable at any prior time in my life. I’m officially old? I blame the bicycling for making me a morning person.

Now on day two of week three of freelancing, aka being unemployed, and the business of the everyday continues to be both a burden and a blessing. I am getting to spend a lot more time with Lucy, which is amazing, and I constantly remind myself: that was the majority of the reason for this time. I have also managed to get some things done that had been festering in my inbox for months. One car has new tires and the other one got its tires rotated, only a few (and by a few I mean maybe 10) thousand miles too late. The snail-mail-delivered bills are still in a pile waiting to be addressed, but they’re next on the list.

Creative endeavors, namely “the new record” (which still doesn’t have a name), continue at an accelerated pace.

Yesterday I tried something novel, I didn’t check my email but once, early in the morning. I did have to bring it up at the doctor’s office, in a failed attempt to discover our new insurance plan ID numbers, but I did not really open my inbox again until this morning, at which point I quickly went through all the email waiting there in one sitting. The entire process, both the not-checking and the checking-and-clearing, were freeing experiences I think I will attempt to replicate going forward. I want to focus on the action items in my actual todo lists, not treat my email inbox as one single open channel for urgent interruptions. Now if I can just do the same thing with my social networks.

Previous: Lucy's First Birthday Party

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