This Is Not a Continuation of the Last Post

Today I rode by bicycle to work for the second day in a row. I changed the gearing on this particular bike to be somewhat easy to pedal as well as making it a fixed gear bicycle* (it can be “flipped” between fixed and free). This makes it much easier to get started from a stop, especially given the total weight of bike, cargo-carrying accessories, and cargo itself combined. It also keeps me at a slow optimal speed and therefore a lower level of perspiration. The one thing the fixed gear specifically requires, however, is using the legs for braking power. And wow have my legs been sore from that!

There are many things I want to complain about today, but then I think about how I had lunch at Charlie Palmer and Cigarz** pizza and Stone Black IPA for dinner (followed by a Full Sail Sanctuary), and rode one bike to work and another bike after work and I realize that I can’t complain, really.

(I was going to say something profound here but didn’t. Instead of letting this post lay in drafts I’m just going to publish it as-is.)

* the move to fixed had its own reasoning—the freewheel was making all kinds of annoying noises. To get a non-noisy freewheel, apparently, takes some dough. (This is my second “cheap” freewheel so far.) The inconvenience of riding fixed will take some time to justify spending $100 on a good one.

** Dallas people if you have not had this pizza it's OMG good. Get the Greek Pizza.

Previous: So What Now? The Problem with Desire.
Next: Steve

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