I used to define my life in terms of before and after certain relationships. But the one that lasted from 2009 to 2010 has trumped everything and defined my life into a binary before/after that makes all others simply lumped into one amorphous before.
But that time from late 2007 to 2010 was a magical journey through love and contentment and family and fatherhood that I will always cherish–and I hope to be able to return to those emotions again. {1}
Part of that time period involved going to Chemistry Set shows with Carissa. Yesterday I mentioned my favorite song of all time, Wake Me by Tom Conlon. But I might have to rate the Chemistry Set as my favorite band of all time. {2} …If you weren’t following the Dallas music scene in the first decade of this century you probably never heard of the Chemistry set. But I suggest you go grab both{3} their records while you still can. They disbanded a few years ago.
Anyway. Listening to their music still makes me feel better. I miss them terribly. Carissa shot their drummer’s wedding and we’re still friends with them{4} (sadly they’re in Fort Worth which might as well be California). We never knew any of the other band members although I think we both had a crush on Stephen Duncan.
1 Obviously I feel them still. I guess I mean to be immersed in them in such a way as to be more fully engulfed in the moment and reality of current joy as opposed to allowing everything to be tainted by past loss. {back}
2 It is my personal opinion that one should choose “all time” rankings based on one’s own experience as well as allow the rankings to be as flexible as a moment’s inspiration. Otherwise everyone’s all time band would just be The Beatles and there would be nothing else interesting to talk about. {back}
3 Good luck finding their records. If you contact me I will probably hook you up, though. {back}
4 See jawsgirly and jawshoeuh {back}