...guess He Was Sleep Golfing?

I’ve had a couple of dreams lately about passing out on golf courses. Last night’s was really involved. I was having to pay for my clothes having been dry cleaned while I was asleep. The bill was $170 and there were clothes in the bag that weren’t mine. While they were adjusting the bill and telling me it wasn’t going to make that much of a difference–there was some serious subtext from the staff that I was really being charged for spending the night at the golf course–I finally had the realization: if my clothes had been dry cleaned and lay now in front of me on the counter, what clothes was I wearing now and how did I get into them? At that point I think the dissonance was too much for the Dream Plot Generator and I woke up. It was a few minutes later that I remembered the Donnie Darko scene.

There’s a lot to unpack and not much of it is too mysterious, really. I’m just curious: why golf courses?

The beginning of this scene—when the jet engine falls through the house—always seems to me to be overacted by Maggie Gyllenhaal. Sure, the sky is falling—literally—but would that really reduce a 19 year old woman to cowering and tears? (The next sentence will make NO sense if you haven't seen the movie.) The only way my brain has been able to interpret that performance is that she had some precognition of the other/real timeline, and her reaction in this scene ties to the final scene when the plot's main timeline ends and you're returned to this point. I've thought about that final scene a lot lately.

Life's been pretty ok lately, actually. I want to share but none of the good things are shareable...yet. I thought my experience would make all other life stressors—good and bad—easier to navigate. It hasn't, really—those things are just as stressful as ever, it's just that they're relatively not a big deal. Monsters are smaller. Recovery is faster.

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