
Today Penn went to school, home with a friend, had his first den meeting, took a nap, ate a really big piece of pizza, did four pages of math homework, one practice spelling test, read one reading book and memorized the Cub Scout Promise. Also, he’s officially a pro at tying shoes. He had a better day than I did. –Carissa Byers

I thought this terrible journey was going to make me a more understanding and compassionate person, especially in regards to Penn. If it is, it is not happening at a rate I can measure. I still get just as irritated at many of his six-year-old antics and machinations. (In ten years we’re going to miss how sweet and cute six year olds are.)

But tonight after tolerating a really long photo session with his mother and I, we went to eat and he thanked our waiter every time something was brought to him. We got home and he and I finished Star Wars: Republic Heroes on the Wii and then watched a couple episodes of the cartoon. He, out of the blue, told me he loved me and asked if he could sit beside me on the couch. I, instead of ignoring him or telling him to wait, paused the show every time he wanted to interject with a story or a “remember that time…?”

It’s important to remember the little things.

This shared experience is bonding our family together tighter. None of us have any choice but to travel through it. But Penn has the most to lose if he slows down in the fight. So many things have already required his brave face, I sincerely hope life provides him some easy progress for at least a while.

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