I Keep Offering Things W/o Comment. This Time on UX Etc.

In our case, the programming happens second not first… When…the programming happens first, design and the user experience are treated as wallpaper, wall covering, paint, and that’s why most products suck, because the design is bad because it can’t be good. It’s not allowed to be good, it’s not part of the process from the beginning…

If you have salespeople telling you…“If you just add this one thing this guy’s going to sign up for a million dollar contract.” Bullshit…

At some point you just have to be happy with what you’re building… You have to have a vision for the product… What kind of organization do you want to be? Do you want to trend towards mediocrity by adding everything you could possibly add [to your product]?

…Cash flow will follow integrity…who wants to go to work every day and work on shit that’s a total mess? No one wants to do that.

Jason Fried at the Business of Software conference

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