Last Night

Yesterday afternoon I went in to the office, ostensively to do some work after an admittedly less-than-productive (in terms of deliverables) week.

I was able to do some organizing but that was about it. Carissa and I still having free babysitting, we decided to meet downtown to continue our super fun co-writing experiment. On her way, Carissa ran into Geoff riding his fixie around downtown, and so we enjoyed his company at the bar for about an hour before he had to head home. After some progress on our stories, we considered going to the Happy Bullets show, but decided to start heading home instead.

The Akard station was closed so we ended up walking by the new Opening Bell coffee in downtown, which was packed. I was curious about the performance space there, which is very nicely done. We got to chatting with another musician outside and found out it was Dylan Sneed’s Texodus show.

Well, it was an amazing show.

It was one of the best shows I’ve ever seen. I’m realizing that I won’t be able to do it justice with a blog post. And it was made all the more amazing by all the coincidences that led us there, down to the two open seats right in front, in an otherwise SRO room. Dylan’s off to South Carolina, and will be touring extensively. If he comes through your town, do not miss your chance to see this humble and inspiring performer.

Previous: Yourfixie

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