Macheads Don't Even Bother Reading This

Just got my new work laptop set up in record time thanks to:

That’s all I really need to get to work. There are a few other minor things, FileZilla client to pull down a fresh copy of the site I’m working on, and eventually I’ll need to install Tortoise SVN to pull down and/or manage (all mine are a mess at the moment) all the various repositories I work with, but that’s really about it. Being a work machine, Office came pre- installed, so I’m using Outlook for the work IMAP account (if I could pull that into Gmail I would, believe me, but it still beats Thunderbird).

The only thing I failed to mention above is Photoshop, which is both the beefiest application on my must-haves list, and the only one that’s not free!

Previous: I Might Have Already Preserved This Somewhere to Read, but I'm Doing It Again and Maybe I'll Gettoit

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