Random Dream and Thought.

Pre “Fedex” courier bikes.

Originally uploaded by emesphoto

Last night I had a dream that I was in Germany and after a soccer game played with a number of tennis balls I was told I was a good reader. Then Steve Collins gave me a fixed-gear bicycle that looked more like the motorcycle in this picture. I had a fun if harrowing ride on the heavy fixie but then got lost and also a flat tire. I ended up in a train station trying to find a German who could speak English well enough to give me directions. This was the second time recently where a train station was part of a dream. Good stuff. I liked the riding a weird fixie around part, though. More of that please. Just no getting lost and flats next time.

Today I had the thought: while it provides drive to do better, the problem with always being dissatisfied with one’s past accomplishments is forgetting all the amazing stuff you have done in the past, which makes it more difficult to impress people you are trying to impress.

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