Sx Update 02

Last night at midnight went to This Film Is Not Yet Rated which was excellent. Missed my chance to see Thank You For Smoking, will have to catch that one in theatres. The line for Rated was so long though, I don’t want to know how crazy Smoking was.

Sitting in the Platinum Louge at the moment. The SX wireless network was dropping me constantly, over here I’m picking up another open one that…is also dropping me constantly! I think I’m going to rebuild this laptop when I get back to Dallas. I think it might be me, what with the network problems at home etc. And the main reason I’ve hesitated is mostly moot–my development environment being mostly setup on the tower.

Anyhoo, free coffee and water which is very good for my still hungover self. I can’t even focus well on far away things because I’m so dehydrated. Just went to How to Do Precisely the Right Thing at All Possible Times which was ok. Meant to go to a 10 o’clock session but slept until 10:30. Now just killing time before the opening keynote, then I’m off to BarCamp Austin. Wanted to see How to Create Passionate Users but it might not be worth the trip back to the convention center from BarCamp. Will see.

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