I Have Seen IE7 and It Is...ok...

Just installed IE7. In fact I’m writing this post from within it right now.

It’s not bad. It’s all the basic features of Firefox with the smooth fonts of Mac/Safari (how they do it only in this one app I do not know, nor if you can turn it off. i’m not a huge fan; tried cleartype, disabled it). There seems to be a wannabe plugins piece; I doubt it will ever rival Firefox’s extensions…

It’s text zoom with the scrollwheel goes in the opposite direction as Firefox’s. That is weird.

It has a nice built in RSS XSLT, for when you just click on an RSS link. Explains it real nice and everything.

Of course the main question is how does it render XHTML/CSS? That will take more research. Checked most of the sites I frequent and they’re all ok.

OH, and it forces you to not only “validate” your copy of Windows (i.e. starting now if you want any new thing from M$ you’re going to have to let them look down on you from above), but also install the “Malicious Software Removal Tool,” which I’ve been opting out of for months now (various 3rd party tools being proven; I suspect there is a hole in M$’s that allows malicious software in; ha).

Screenshots to follow, once I go home…

more info, link to screenshots of layout problems

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