
_Most of us have day jobs. Many of us have families. So we have a limited amount of attention left. And I suspect we are consuming most of it with what we’ve got on our plates today.

So where does the attention come for the next wave of blogs and web services? From the old ones, I guess. In my case, its not going to come out of my family’s attention allocation or my firm’s.

So attention is a zero sum game and if we are creating (at an exponential rate?) more uses of attention, then we are facing a looming attention crisis.

That’s all I can offer at this point. I don’t know when that crisis will hit and what its effects are going to be. Maybe something will come along that allocates attention more efficiently (delicious or digg?) and the crisis will be averted for now.

I suppose anything is possible, but I feel in my gut that we are facing a “poverty of attention” and something is going to give._

A VC: The Looming Attention Crisis

this VC has some good taste in music…

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