
Question: Where does one go to find love? I’ve searched high and low and all I seem to find is sex everywhere. It’s in the malls, on the trains and buses, and in cute little boutiques, restaurants, parks, government facilities, airports, etc. Should I look to the place I would expect it the least: a pornshop? Or should I just succumb to the sexually flaccid world of today’s culture?—Larry

Answer: Love is like a pair of glasses; you rip apart your room to find them and the entire time they were sitting on your face. It’s true: Look too hard for something and you’ll become blinded in your search. Every day, all across the world, people are discovering love in the very places you claim supply merely sex. This makes me wonder if you might be overlooking some basic signs of human tenderness—and consequently missing the love boat. [To test my theory, I decided to hit up a few of the hotspots you suggested to see for myself if the world is as oversexed as you say or if all is full of love][1].

[1]: http://www.themorningnews.org/archives/how_to/the_nonexpert_a_love_unsexy.php

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