Me in an Email

IR is about flattening hierarchies, not creating new false ones (the "hierarchy of Kool-aid" is supposed to be ironic). It takes a lot of humility AND balls to know you're going to take over the world and not become just like those who currently own the world; why do you think world leaders suck SO BAD? ...Everyone says they can do better, but when they get into it, they get sucked into the whole thing. When I say "game the gamers" I don't mean fight fire with fire. Their fire is bigger and besides it takes water to fight fire. I mean understand the game and then subvert it; yeah you could learn how to play it better, but better still to get everyone to change tables (being an expert at blackjack won't mean shit at the poker table). It's going to take patience and resolve and those other things I already mentioned. Yes I'm talking to myself as much now as anyone.

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