6th Day of Xmas

I’m a day behind. I blame others.

The Sixth Day of Christmas: Remaining Men Together

There are a lot of event planning and notification services out there. SmartCommons doesn't intend to replace or directly compete with Evite or MeetUp or the many other excellent offerings in this space. Really, SmartCommons Events are more like the bulletin board at the VFW hall or the monthly newsletter from your Masjid...but with a twist. The twist is that you can associate your posts so that they are only seen by certain segments of your commons...
SmartCommons Tip #2: When you create a SmartCommons Event that is associated with a Community, Project or Person you can mark the event as a "SmartMob" at the time of creation and SmartCommons will immediately send an event alert to the people associated with the Event. (No, I couldn't come up with a term better than Howard Rheingold's).

And earlier:

SmartCommons Tip #1: Did you know that you can add something to your SmartCommons Collection directly from Amazon? When you are signed into Amazon and are on a product page you will notice in the left menu about half way down the page a little check box that is labeled, "I own it." Tick this box and the item is added to your Collection.* It is that simple. Try it. *You have to have Amazon synchronization set up in your SmartCommons Settings. See The Third Day of Christmas for more on this.
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