
http://www.williamgibsonbooks.com/blog/2004_10_01_archive.asp#109854978288402 280

It never ceases to amaze me, how Josh Marshall can keep this administration’s lies sorted, handily enough to cite and refute them, crisply and authoritatively, day after day. This must amount by now to knowing two entirely different versions of history off by heart, the one genuine, the other an endlessly (and indeed artlessly) exfoliating “tissue of sheerest horseshit*”

Here, today, he does it again, skewering the sort of shameless (not to say surreal, grotesque) revisionism that no long even causes our jaws to drop. Myself, were I to daily and directly subject myself to the full blast of ill- crafted lies issuing from the White House, I would quickly grow punchdrunk and confused. I simply wouldn’t have the stomach for it. Not so Josh Marshall. Long may he wave.

*Wm. S. Burroughs, 1914-1997

Here’s a bit of what TPM said:

What you simply cannot say is that the whole thing never happened. And yet that is precisely what the president and the vice president are now doing: Simply denying everything. Who you gonna believe? Me or your lyin’ eyes?

They are, in old fashioned English, lying.

And the major news outlets covering the campaign – as nearly as I’ve seen so far – are just treating the disagreement as a he said/(s)he said in which both sides’ arguments have equal merit.

Sums up the whole campaign.

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