- Chion Wolf (say "khy-own") (I was the only person to have asked how to say her name at the time) I found through Mperia.
Here's the deal with the album:
- Send me your name and address - JUPITERMG@AOL.COM
- wait a few days
- when you get the CD, listen to it, and let me know what you thought!
- if you like it, pass it on! copy the hell out of it! all you out there are the only way i'll ever get some honest feedback AND get my music out.
The record is good. Kindred spirit. I of course sent her my record as well. Yes she blogs. Yes I'll be putting the record on the media share soon, for those of you with access to such things.
- PLSJ's surrealist and other beautiful games
- oblivo: "The ghost of my father keeps leaving me post-its. He sticks them on my bathroom mirror."
- www.bookmarklets.com
- O'Reilly Hit With Sex Harass Suit
- 1,049 federal rights depend on marital status
- really good free electronic music mp3s: Ernesto Aeroflot - Oll Tolk'n' no Ding atcheev'd [mtk111], EMB016 - Terminal Sound System - The Unquiet Sun, Aleksi Virta - ..Meets Torsti At The Space Lounge [mtk123], kleptones opera (as individual tracks or one huge zip), and a free record from peter hughes (sometimes of mountain goats)
Listen to these songs. Download 'em. P2P 'em. Burn 'em to a CD and play 'em really loud in your car with the windows down. And if you get tired of listening to crappy 128kbps mp3s, I'll send you a CD-R for eight bucks postpaid.
- what barry says (QT movie)
- Cornel West: Debates as Jazz
- vday.org
- "Last night's debate was such crap."
Terms like "raise standards" become code-phrases for "burden teachers with more federally-mandated procedures that slow down the entire classroom process". We already have the state trying to fix everything. We have our school district trying to fix everything. We don't need another govermental agency keeping us "accountable". I have to do so much crap-- it's amazing we ever get to teach beyond the required curriculum. Here's my thought. Hire good teachers. Let them teach.... Every other morning, I meet with one Chinese student in the library. I tutor her so she can pass the government-mandated TAKS test. She must pass in order to graduate. However, she's only been in this country a short time and her English is very weak. I've been trying hard, but I don't know if she's going to pull through it. Which is unfortunate, give her another year or two and she'd ace it. No doubt in my mind.
Things Ive Found This Month
Previous: Rip Mix Burn the Bush Administration