I normally do not do this, put stuff from your emails on my site, but this was so great, and I think part of the idea was for me to help make the announcement.
Hi Daniel. I am a friend of Bill Carter’s, and this morning he sent me the link to your web-site. Very nice! Bill is one of my “personal role models” as well. Like you, I was pretty much oblivious to what was happening in Bosnia at the time…two babies in diapers, the daily struggle to keep food in their mouths, and a roof over our head. That all changed in 2001 when I saw Miss Sarajevo for the first time, and met Bill. Last summer Bill gave me the manuscript of his book Where Water Comes Together to read. It rocked my world. I am happy to say that Doubleday has purchased the publishing rights to the book, and Bill is busy editing it. Hopefully, it will be available in bookstores soon!
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know we both enjoyed your web-site, and will continue to check in.
Juliette Beaumont