Made in USA Jeans Might Be a Thing of the past

"People in Mexico seem more willing to do those jobs." "Yeah, poverty will do that."

I called my local purveyor of clothing, where I got my made-in-the-USA jeans and jacket (Carthartt) and shoes (Red Wing). I had bought the very last pair of USA-made jeans they had, and was calling to find out if they had any more in since then. The guy at the store told me that Carthartt does not have any USA-made jeans any longer. He said that 1) no one wants that job here anymore and 2) they need to compete price-wise. The end of our conversation went like this (see above).

Wranglers, of which I have 2 USA-made pairs, has also moved their production into Mexico, ironically just across the river from the original factory in El Paso.

Lucky brand jeans were still made in the USA last time I checked. There is a Lucky store in Georgetown and in Dupont Circle. I will have to try and check them out before we leave town. I could make it a while on 3 pairs of jeans, but at this rate there won’t be any pairs left made under conscienceable conditions.

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