Matthew Herbert the Mechanics of Destruction the entire record is available for download on this very well done site. here’s the track listing and some info about the record:

Update 2025

Sound sources: A big mac meal, hear’say cd, the sun newspaper, a philips black and white tv, a bugs life dvd and starship troopers on vhs, 10 marlboro and a bottle of bacardi, nestle golden grahams and kraft cheese slices, 2 pairs of gap boxer shorts, 2 oil drums and a bottle of brake fluid, 1 can of coca cola, henry kissinger’s unsettling tones, starbucks frappucino and caramel latte, ltd edition air max 98 trainers and adidas shoe box, mayday protests 01.05.2001 in london. Field recordings in mcdonalds taken in japan by moyunijumo, akihito nakatsura and norihiro higo.

matthew herbert

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