Hunkabuttacom … site of Michael Clarke … a site after my own heart, tons of great digital pics and a little unrelated expat (except he’s canadian–actually better) blurb every post.

what put this right into my ‘daily reading’ favorites: Did you know that in Japan there are special postage stamps for New Year’s cards which are used only when there has been a death in your family? Guess who’s been using these death stamps for all of their regular mail.


I guess now I know why nobody ever writes back.

They’re called bu shugi no kitte. They’re silver, blue and yellow; they cost 50 yen; and they should NOT be used for job applications.</em>

via his tokyolife photoessay on via consumptive also made it straight into my favorites for later perusal. they have a cool bit on bicycling, an extremely viable alt.transportation method still in predominance in other parts of the world.

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