Ah Yes More Reasons

It’s no secret that I do not call myself a Christian {even though I have what I would consider an (increasingly quirky) …grr, no other words coming to mind… relationship …there, i said it. crap… with g-o-d, and of course am still totally facinated with Jesus (and I’m not alone, as I find through TBd)}.

But still, every once and while, the ongoing series “…if we needed more reasons” rears its ugly head, and this is one of those moments:

lifeway (via ftrain links of all people {can’t find his links on the web anymore, good thing i subscribed to the xml feed when i did})

and Terry Clan, posting comments to this post by Jordon

Both of these exist together in, personify even, western Christendom. These could be the same person. Lifeway could be Terry’s favorite site on the Web.

Any questions?

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