This is interesting info regarding the organizing group behind yesterday’s protests:
really long URL but an interesting page…again via anil, who links to it saying “how ANSWER betrays the legitimate anti-war movement: look past the sarcasm and you’ll see that the biggest threat to the peace movement is one of its organizers.”
I’m not going to spend my afternoon following every link, I can figure it out pretty quick. I wondered yesterday when I saw one of the organizers with a russian hat with the red star on it. I was like “what the fuck?” Also a lot of “socialist worker” newspapers being handed out. I have no problem with that, but the org itself obviously supports twisted, oppressive governments just because they are communist. Yuck. Really glad I never dropped any money into their numerous red (oh gawd) buckets.
Still, the diversity of people at the protest, and the main message of the speakers and of the march itself, speaks more loudly for the real issues here than the radical political views of the organizers. Again, more on all that later.