Search for Common Ground Film Festival : Conflict Resolution, Conflict Prevention
The second annual film festival on the theme of cinema and video as media for reconciliation and conflict transformation will take place at Visions Cinema Bistro Lounge in Washington, DC, on November 1-7, 2002. The 21 films emphasize the common humanity shared by people in conflict and reveal why they feel, think, and act as they do. While not ignoring the differences that divide people, the films highlight the commonalities among them. The festival aims to recognize the achievements of socially conscious filmmakers, to strengthen the influence of film and video in transforming conflict, and to move audiences beyond viewing to engagement and dialogue. Included will be films from or about India, former Yugoslavia, Israel, Palestine, Vietnam, Korea, and Sierra Leone, among others.
We will be at as much of this as possible. Check out the films that are going to be shown a little bit down the page here.