
Comment Providing you the public service of teaching you all the Bosnian I know

Today I really did apsurdne posoriste in my little 1.5hr class. I acted out each part in full drama…

I’m calling this one the secret, part 2 in the cheese series:

Momak Jeden: Gdje je to? Dude one: Where is it? Momak Dva: To je ovdje. Dude two: It’s here. 1: Da li je to novo? Is it new? 2: Da, to je novo. Yeah, it’s new. 1: To je lijepo. It’s beautiful. 2: Da, to je vrlo lijepo. Yeah, it’s really beautiful. 1: Zelim to. I want it. 2: Trebas to? Do you neeeed it? 1: Da, ja volim to. Yeah, I love it. 2: Vidim. I seeee 1: Oprostite? Excuse me? 2: Da? 1: Sta je to? What is it?

Now I just have to pause to say three things real quick: 1) This whole thing started because I couldn’t keep gdje (where?) and ovdje (here) straight in my head, so I had written the first two sentences in my book to help me. Then it just kinda ran. 2) I need to embed Bosnian fonts or something because it really needs the accent marks–not that you would know how to pronounce it anyway! :) and 3) I’m realizing how much this is like Jon’s Lady in Red skit. What a great influence! The trouper himself! :) …and the uninvited point 4) The next part was written a day after the first part…

2: Prekjucer to je bila riba. The day before yesterday it was a fish. 1: Sta je bilo jucer? What was it yesterday? 2: Jucer je bilo pivo. Yesterday it was a beer. 1: Sta je to danas? What is it today? 2: To je tajna That’s a secret. 1: Znam li tu tajnu? Do I know that secret? 2: Ne znas. You don’t know. 1: Znam tajnu. I know the secret. 2: Da? Sta je tajna? Yeah? What’s the secret? 1: To je orah. It’s a walnut. 2: Ne, ti ne znas tajnu. Nope, you don’t know the secret. 1: Zar nije to orah? Isn’t that a walnut? 2: Ne, to nije orah. 1: To je sir. It’s cheese. 2: Ne, to nije sir. 1: Ja mislim to je sir. I know that’s cheese. 2: To nije sir. 1: To je sir! 2: Ne. 1: Ja cu to jesti! I’m going to eat it! 2: Ti ne zelis to jesti. You don’t want to eat it. 1: Ja cu to jesti sada! I’m going to eat it right now! 2: Ja ne mislim da ti zelis to jesti… I don’t think you want to eat it… (Momak to jede.) Dude eats it. 1: Fuj! To je strasno! Yuk! It’s terrible! 2: Vidis? See? 1: Fuj! 2: Ja pjevam: “Ti ne zelis to jesti!” I sing: (sing) “You don’t want to eat it!” 1: Sta je to? 2: Ti trebas vodu. You need water. (fetch water) 1: Sta je to bilo? What was that? 2: Popij malu vode. Drink a little water. 1: To je smece! That’s trash! (read: shit; but I don’t know that word yet) 2: Sada znas tajnu. Now you know the secret. 1: To je strasno smece! 2: Da li doruckujes dobro? Are you having a nice breakfast? (laugh mockingly) 1: Strasno! 2: Sada idem. Cau! Now I go. Ciao! … Momak 3: Sta je to? 1: To je tajna….

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