

Got some pics from Steve. I of course would never put all those pics here…goodness…I look like death warmed over in some of them. But here we go anyway with a few:

…the tiny tea tent is a roving community of festival tea providence…if that makes sense…cool ambient to hang out and have some tea (which yes I enjoyed frequently!)…

…so here I am chillin’ in the tiny tea tent…day one (Fri)…notice the Consume t-shirt

…u always ran into someone u knew at the tea tent, this night I had been hangin’ with Wood from JHP for a while, we ended up at the tea tent, and then Steve showed up and everyone photodocumented the event…in a few years I’ll get my film developed and you can see my take on this monumental miniscule event. Wood has next to no pictures of himself on the net, so I didn’t want to take the liberty here (besides I would get caught–I know he reads DJDC), so I digitally altered the pic. Plus I thought he would think it would be cool to be known as a living abstract painting…


I hate to keep talking about Vaux’s service, but I happened to have the most notes, and now the first pictures, from that service…

They had a few themes for their service, like “Vaux is a four letter word,” but the main one was “Sine.” From my notes from Kester’s talk, earlier in the day the Sat of their service:

Sine wave as a metaphor for life and suffering why does it keep cycling is the ? always trying to seek its center god is the center

what keeps us in the cycle at all?


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