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follow the arrows says: just watched moulin rouge Dr Melphi says: finally Dr Melphi says: and…. follow the arrows says: i liked it Dr Melphi says: —– here now Dr Melphi says: I tried all week to get in touch with dustin, but to no avail. he has some things on hold in the store, so i’m sure i’ll see him soon follow the arrows says: ok no prob follow the arrows says: i had forgotten and was in a general funk today anyway follow the arrows says: got my one site to work in NS though Dr Melphi says: why the funk? follow the arrows says: don’t know; just 1 o those days Dr Melphi says: i’m in a funk this whole month. i’ve gone days without smiling lately follow the arrows says: what? follow the arrows says: that’s not good Dr Melphi says: not like me, but i feel slightly depressed Dr Melphi says: and i’m not exactly sure why either follow the arrows says: me neither Dr Melphi says: strange things we humans are huh? Dr Melphi says: fragile follow the arrows says: http://dealingwith.blogspot.com Dr Melphi says: the white stripes and the mouldy peaches–further proof that the music buying public are a bunch of arsholes Dr Melphi says: ha follow the arrows says:

Dr Melphi says: i was thinking about blogging as a journal after i was reading yours, but then i realized that i really don’t want everyone to read that Dr Melphi says: braver than me you are follow the arrows says: yes yoda Dr Melphi says: read that line like yoda and it’s funny follow the arrows says:

Dr Melphi says: thinking together we are follow the arrows says: did you get to ‘daniel fucking karma miller’ then? Dr Melphi says: that wa a while ago follow the arrows says: anyway, that’s why you’ll never see one of my big email updates go “and you can check out my blog here”…oh yeah you’ve been keeping up?
follow the arrows says: fucking hate these cheesy emoticons!
follow the arrows says: what arsehole at MS thought them up?! Dr Melphi says: what kind of stupid world do we live in where we use a stupid fuckin worl like “emoticons”. Dr Melphi says: we are going to hell Dr Melphi says: all of us follow the arrows says: yes. follow the arrows says: i bet they don’t even have eco domani and brie there either follow the arrows says: arseholes follow the arrows says: did you listen to those mp3’s i sentcha? Dr Melphi says: g’night, —– beckons. another thing to add to the pile
Dr Melphi says: arghh Dr Melphi says: stupid emoticons follow the arrows says: isurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurfisurf Dr Melphi says: g’night follow the arrows says: ‘nite

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