
hey 553 and i’ve already wasted another afternoon tired as shit from setting my alarm. saw the new coldplay and radiohead videos, though. i’ve been listening to ‘everything in its right place’–even though that’s not the video i saw–all afternoon because it’s going to be in my next installation. i’ve also been listening to elliot smith alot because i’m convinced there’s a couple of songs of his i want to use.

today m was sick physically and of life. so it kinda wore off. how do translate life in the wake of last week anyway? it’s already wearing off and i feel like shit for that? and since when do our troop movements become the evening news? i have a terrible feeling vietnam is going to seem like daycare compared to this one.

speaking of elliot smith, scott i’m done with all your cd’s don’t forget to get them from me i hate having people’s stuff for too long…


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